July 10, 2012

You need this dog

As I've mentioned, I help put together the newsletters for this amazing organization, and this month, we did a spotlight on Freckles -- an adorable pooch who loves The Office. You must check him out -- he's seriously too cute for words and he has the BEST personality. I'm in love with him and I want him to find his forever home STAT, which is why he's the star of my post today. Read more about Freckles here and here.


  1. HOW CUTE!!! I would take him if I hadn't just adopted my little mutt. And ya know, if I lived closer and such. I hope he finds a forever home soon!

  2. oh my gosh adorable!! what breed is he? i hope he gets adopted by a terrific family soon

  3. I am pleased to report that Freckles will be welcomed into his forever home tomorrow. We are thrilled.

  4. I am pleased to report that Freckles will be welcomed into his forever home tomorrow. We are thrilled!

    1. OMG YAY!! So exciting!!! Please do send me updates/tell me how awesome he is.

  5. Forever Home, Day One Report: he's settling in nicely. With no known prior cat experience, he came nose-to-nose the with youngest (and more dog-shy) of our two cats without any fur flying. In fact, they almost seemed taken with each other. And our dogs seem to have entirely accepted their little brother into the pack. He's very sweet and follows the people in the house around like a little shadow. We feel so fortunate to have found a pup who so obviously touched the hearts of many along the way.
